Monday, August 15, 2011


Supposedly yesterday was the perfect day, according to the signs from the Farmer's Almanac, to try weaning K from the bottle.  I was determined this was going to work.  I allowed her a bottle of milk first thing in the a.m., but the rest of the day, we gave milk to her in the sippy cup. She refused to drink from the cup.  I let her fuss and tried to talk her through it and ask her to drink the milk from her cup.  She would push the cup away or throw it down on the floor.  She didn't have any milk between her 1st bottle at 8a.m. until 5:45 p.m.. When I could no longer take it, I gave in and allowed her a bottle.  She hadn't had any fluids for 9 hours.  I felt like a horrible mom.  Why was she being so stubborn?  I do not understand why she has not taken to the sippy cup. She will hardly drink water from it either and I introduced the cup at at 6 months, so this cup has been around for a while.  Today  I thought, I will be tricky and I replaced the milk with water in her bottle.  Didn't phase her.  She went to town drinking the water out of the bottle....wuuwhat?  It wasn't the reaction I was looking for obviously.   On to the next idea.  We will be going to Target later today and I will let her help pick out a sippy cup (not that we don't have tons already) that she might like. We will see how this works.  She may just be on the bottle for a little while longer.

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