Each day I am becoming more aware of what I am feeding my family. My interests lie in sustainable and organic foods and how I can acquire these foods and put them on the dinner table. Right now I am researching a local farm where I can purchase a 1/4 of a cow. There is a $50 deposit and it will end up costing anywhere from $460 - $490 for about 115 lbs of beef (several different cuts). I brought the idea up in my new mom's group to see if any of the other girls would be interested in going in on this 1/4 of a cow. So we will see. If we do end up splitting a 1/4 of a cow between others, it is going to be a lot of beef. We don't eat a lot of beef, but this is grass fed cattle and far superior to the beef found in the local grocery store (or so I think). I at least know I am getting this from a local farmer and helping support a local rancher too. So with this much beef, I am going to look into getting a deep freeze.
The local newspaper printed a great article on an upcoming fundraising event to help support a project's efforts to help our city's restaurants become sustainable. I talked the hubby into going and maybe I can get some more people to go to support a good cause. There is going to be local food from about 6 area restaurants and a local brewery is going to be providing beer. Sounds yummy!!! Can't wait.
My mind just doesn't stop when it comes to how I can make my life more sustainable and eat organic and locally produced foods. For another post at a later time, I will talk about how I would love to get a compost bin and begin composting. It is just amazing how much we throw out in trash that could be composted.
My cousin is a Crossfit/health concious guru. He lives his life based on the paleo lifestyle. He is living with my mom right now and buys his beef a half a cow at a time, and swears by it. He bought a deep freeze and says it was worth it!